eudora won't send mail to a distribution group
(too old to reply)
2019-05-17 19:15:36 UTC
I use Eudora v Yesterday everything worked fine in the morning. At night, the program would not send mail to my distribution groups. The group sizes range from two to fourteen members. Individual addresses in the "to" field work fine, multiple addresses separated by commas work fine, but nicknames that expand to multiple addresses fail and return a 554 6.6.0 error, which I can find no information about. I am using Verizon's servers, Windows XP. Thanks for any help.

Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-05-18 00:52:33 UTC
Post by p***@comcast.net
I use Eudora v Yesterday everything worked fine in the morning. At night, the program would not send mail to my distribution groups. The group sizes range from two to fourteen members. Individual addresses in the "to" field work fine, multiple addresses separated by commas work fine, but nicknames that expand to multiple addresses fail and return a 554 6.6.0 error, which I can find no information about. I am using Verizon's servers, Windows XP. Thanks for any
Enable full logging (all bytes sent/received), attempt to send a
message that fails, then examine the log file. It may reveal something
(also send one of those where you put in the addresses by hand -- what
actually gets sent may reveal where the problem is; there could be
something now considered invalid in the group expansion that is not in the
"by hand" message)
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
2019-05-20 14:10:59 UTC
Post by p***@comcast.net
I use Eudora v Yesterday everything worked fine in the morning. At night, the program would not send mail to my distribution groups. The group sizes range from two to fourteen members. Individual addresses in the "to" field work fine, multiple addresses separated by commas work fine, but nicknames that expand to multiple addresses fail and return a 554 6.6.0 error, which I can find no information about. I am using Verizon's servers, Windows XP. Thanks for any help.
Situation resolved itself. Must have been a server issue.
2019-06-19 15:22:47 UTC
Hi, I use Eudora 7.1. I have just created a new account with yahoo and
on smtp I wrote: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
But Eudora is not able to send the messages.
Why please?
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-19 15:55:05 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Hi, I use Eudora 7.1. I have just created a new account with yahoo and
on smtp I wrote: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
But Eudora is not able to send the messages.
So what error message is it displaying?


Make sure the personality for that account is set to use TLS/SSL, and
might need to specify Alternate Port.

You may also be running into the untrusted certificate problems --
since Eudora's SSL libraries are so old, the current root certificate
authorities aren't know to it. You'll either have to go through the hassle
of finding the certificate with a skull and approving it (and then
attempting to resend so the next certificate in the chain can be flagged
etc.) OR try installing an updeted SSL library

https://sourceforge.net/projects/hermesmail/files/ grab the SSL ZIP file
and follow instructions. This is supposed to be an update of the SSL
library/root certificates based upon the now-open-source Eudora source

Or... you could pay for Pandora email and try configuring it (I've been
using it since March 2018; it gets about two updates a month since it isn't
yet a full replacement for Eudora.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-19 17:51:22 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Make sure the personality for that account is set to use TLS/SSL, and
might need to specify Alternate Port.
Hey, thanks a lot. My problem was alternate port. Now it is ok.
Do you have a suggestion for gmail.com?
I have to renew the certificare every 5-6 days. Thanks again one.
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-19 19:06:31 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Make sure the personality for that account is set to use TLS/SSL, and
might need to specify Alternate Port.
Hey, thanks a lot. My problem was alternate port. Now it is ok.
Do you have a suggestion for gmail.com?
I have to renew the certificare every 5-6 days. Thanks again one.
Update the SSL library as I pointed out... That is supposed to clear up
problems when certificates renew (or stop using GMAIL -- normally a
certificate is good for at least a year but Google seems to insist on
changing certificates as fast as they can be issued).
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-19 22:37:53 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Update the SSL library as I pointed out... That is supposed to clear up
problems when certificates renew (or stop using GMAIL -- normally a
certificate is good for at least a year but Google seems to insist on
changing certificates as fast as they can be issued).
Dennis, I have problems to install it. When I click on vcredist.exe
I see a writings telling me there is a news version and it is
impossible to install it
Look at my links please:
Loading Image...
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-20 17:38:37 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Dennis, I have problems to install it. When I click on vcredist.exe
I see a writings telling me there is a news version and it is
impossible to install it
That's included mainly for those people that don't already have it. The
key items that needed to be installed are the DLLs and the rootcerts file,
and those go into the Eudora installation directory.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-20 06:15:20 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Update the SSL library as I pointed out... That is supposed to clear up
problems when certificates renew (or stop using GMAIL -- normally a
certificate is good for at least a year but Google seems to insist on
changing certificates as fast as they can be issued).
I have just unistalled all the old ones
and I have just installed that HermSSL I downloaded.
I needed to unistall many of them, around 15.
OUT OF CURIOSITY: In your opinion,now for how long time will I have
no problems with gmail.com?
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-20 17:42:37 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
I have just unistalled all the old ones
and I have just installed that HermSSL I downloaded.

If you followed the instructions, you didn't have to manually do
anything with certificates. A new rootcerts file was provided which handles
the top-levels of modern certificates, and receiving a certificate when
fetching/sending mail should automatically validate.

In theory, unless there is a major change in root certificate
authorities, you should be set. {As mentioned, I've been using the Pandora
email client for just over a year now -- and the only place I use gmail is
my Nook tablet and cell-phone, since I needed an account for the app-store}
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-21 05:58:29 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
I've been using the Pandora
email client for just over a year now -- and the only place I use gmail is
my Nook tablet and cell-phone, since I needed an account for the app-store}
You are a great expert and I'd like to ask a question please.
Why do you not like gmail?
In your opinion what is the best emails? I mean to make accounts. I
have some account and I have also yahoo, hotmail and gmx, but if there
are better email I will replace them.
Thank you.
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-21 14:35:21 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
You are a great expert and I'd like to ask a question please.
Why do you not like gmail?
In your opinion what is the best emails? I mean to make accounts. I
have some account and I have also yahoo, hotmail and gmx, but if there
are better email I will replace them.
Thank you.
ONE: the hassles Google makes one go through to use GMAIL in anything
other than their web interface or Android apps.

TWO: My former ISP* (started as Netcom, sucked up be Mindspring, and
then absorbed by Earthlink) DSL service allowed one to have up to 8 real
email addresses (not email forwarding addresses going to a single mailbox),
and each email address also had a 10MB web-space which could be used for
simple static web pages.

* When I moved from Kentwood to Lowell, I could not transfer my DSL
service -- Earthlink did the billing, but it was AT&T that actually did the
DSL part. AT&T no longer provides DSL in Lowell -- one has to go to the
level of U-verse service. I wasn't going to try to get an AT&T POTS
(analog) phone line connected, just to then have Earthlink schedule to have
a resold U-verse service put in (which also means losing the POTS line as
U-verse does not support analog service on the same wires -- needing a VOIP
phone service). Instead I settled for an AT&T bundle of DirectTV, U-Verse
Internet & VOIP phone. I then had to downgrade my Earthlink service to
their "email-only" level (good thing I only used four of the eight
addresses, as the "email-only" level only grants five addresses). Also had
to get an account with Giganews as one of the first things I lost was
access to Earthlink's Usenet (they no longer offer that to new accounts,
but my service had been grandfathered from when that was part of the
service plan -- even though they stopped running servers and subcontracted
to... Giganews). And about 8 months later their audits realized my
web-spaces were still around, and they wiped them -- I now have a
Raspberry-Pi 3B running nginx with a passthrough for port 80 on my router,
and using www.dynu.com for Dynamic DNS translation (the .freeddns.org is
one of their domains)
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-25 05:27:36 UTC
Dennis, today I got the certificater problems (failed) with
yaohoo.com. But it seems gmail.com is working fine now, after that

Out of curiosity:
1) After all that time you used Pandara, how do you rate it compared
to Eudora 7.1? Did you like Pandora really or is it only a bad
substitute of Eudora? In other words: do you think there are simple
but better software than Pandora?

2) What difference is there is you buy or not buy Pandora after
installing? Are there any limitations?

Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-25 16:20:35 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
1) After all that time you used Pandara, how do you rate it compared
to Eudora 7.1? Did you like Pandora really or is it only a bad
substitute of Eudora? In other words: do you think there are simple
but better software than Pandora?
It displays emails Eudora can't handle properly (though I've also seen
a few where it doesn't display anything, but Eudora can).

There is a sense of it being a touch slower (I have a feeling that it
may be written in Java or some other rapid development language, and is not
native executables)

There are some glitches still in it -- every so often I get a "too many
open windows" even though I've closed everything (so something in garbage
collection is off); printing messages don't quite format correctly (it
doesn't word wrap to fit the printer margins, and for some reason prints a
grey background). The junk filtering is not as good -- I don't know if it
is learning based on what I junk.

Filters are both better and worse... Better in that where Eudora
allowed only two MATCH criteria, Pandora allows one to create a list of
match criteria (with option for match all or match any).

However, it did (once I paid for it) import my Eudora personalities and
mail boxes.
Post by a***@gmail.com
2) What difference is there is you buy or not buy Pandora after
installing? Are there any limitations?
The freebie/demo version is limited to one personality (Eudora's
"dominant"), one filter, one signature (as I recall)... Basically, one of

The paid version unlocks everything.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-27 13:57:37 UTC
Hi Dennis,
I'd like to do a test with Eudora but I get a problem.
I configured it with Dominant account, then I wanted to send an email
or to get emails but I always get this problem.
Loading Image...
How can I solve? Thanks
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-27 17:19:35 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Hi Dennis,
I'd like to do a test with Eudora but I get a problem.
I configured it with Dominant account, then I wanted to send an email
or to get emails but I always get this problem.
How can I solve? Thanks
Snarky answer: use the correct configuration required by your server.
That error message is from the server.

Since you did not list exactly which configuration of:

use submission port
TLS variation selected

I can not evaluate further... Closest I found in a Google search (did you
ever try a Google search on those errors?) came up with...

- [SMTP] Connect to "smtp.live.com", Port: 587, TLS: Yes
An error occurred. - Error connecting with SSL. - error:1408F10B:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

Now you have TSL checked - once again wrong configuration. You need to
uncheck it. Port = 587, TLS = No is correct setting. Out of 4 possibilities
you tried 2 incorect ones. Even though if TLS is unchecked it will still

With respect to Port 587 use of SSL, TLS, and STARTTLS
Depends on the client
OE = 587 SSL
- same for Outlook 03, WLM, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Vista's Windows Mail
Outlook 07/10/13 = TLS or Auto
SeaMonkey (possibly other Mozilla based clients) = STARTTLS

(Note: you'll have to look at the actual linked page to follow the quoting
levels -- it quotes by color!)

There are four choices for TLS, and two for submission port. That makes
a total of only eight combinations.

Based upon https://www.saleshandy.com/smtp/yahoo-smtp-settings/ the
primary should be

[]use submission port (no checkmark)
Required, Alternate port


[X]use submission port (checkmark)
Required (normal port)

If neither of those work, I'd try

[X]use submission port
if available, STARTTLS

{Note that the web page specifies SSL for alternate port, and TLS for
submission port}
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-27 16:12:43 UTC
I forgot a question: do you know even another email client that can
import the emails from Eudora?
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-27 17:56:09 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
I forgot a question: do you know even another email client that can
import the emails from Eudora?
Technically -- anything that understands UNIX MBOX format (though
Eudora only puts ?@? in the FROM separator line, while a proper MBOX will
have the actual email address on that line). You do need to have compressed
the mail boxes to ensure that "deleted" messages aren't seen. Eudora keeps
that information in the TOC file which is not used by UNIX systems.

Pandora (in paid mode) will import Eudora mail boxes, address book,
personalities, and maybe even filters... The "Importing Witch" (guess he
doesn't like "Wizard"s) shows settings for:

Accounts (ie; personalities)
Contacts (address book)

You do have to run a separate import for each category -- then specify
which mail client (filters are only available for Eudora, but other stuff
can come from Eudora, Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird...)
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-27 18:57:30 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Technically -- anything that understands UNIX MBOX format (though
have the actual email address on that line). You do need to have compressed
the mail boxes to ensure that "deleted" messages aren't seen. Eudora keeps
that information in the TOC file which is not used by UNIX systems.
It is too much difficult to understand for e what you have just
Beside Pandora do you know other email clinets that are able to import
Eudora email in easy mode?
Sorry if I ask the same question again, thanks
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-27 19:08:35 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Technically -- anything that understands UNIX MBOX format (though
have the actual email address on that line). You do need to have compressed
the mail boxes to ensure that "deleted" messages aren't seen. Eudora keeps
that information in the TOC file which is not used by UNIX systems.
It is too much difficult to understand for e what you have just
Beside Pandora do you know other email clinets that are able to import
Eudora email in easy mode?
Sorry if I ask the same question again, thanks
Since I have never used any other clients on Windows -- no...

YOU will have to use Google (or whatever you prefer) and SEARCH for
Windows email clients, then investigate their web sites to find out what
they support.

You could start here:
(remember: Eudora OSE is NOT Qualcomm Eudora)
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2019-06-19 18:26:53 UTC
Dennis, I solved the problem putting the alternate port. I have also
downloaded that zip. Do I need to use it?
Rick C
2019-06-19 16:23:01 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Hi, I use Eudora 7.1. I have just created a new account with yahoo and
on smtp I wrote: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
But Eudora is not able to send the messages.
Why please?
What error do you see?
Rick C.

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