Eudora paid version suddenly not sending out or receiving. I hear the chimes as if receiving but no mail. nothing going out.
(too old to reply)
2021-11-03 16:19:46 UTC
Eudora paid version suddenly not sending out or receiving. I hear the chimes as if receiving but no mail. nothing going out.
Dennis Lee Bieber
2021-11-03 18:21:17 UTC
Post by Karen
Eudora paid version suddenly not sending out or receiving. I hear the chimes as if receiving but no mail. nothing going out.
Enable logging (you might need to activate the "esoteric" plug-in to
get full logging ability). Probably don't need to see "every byte"
sent/received, but you do want to log the negotiation with the server.

Also, have you modified/defined any filters recently? An inadvertent
"catch all" filter at the top of the filter list could be doing anything
with your in/out mail -- including dumping them into the trash.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2021-11-04 12:15:29 UTC
Eudora paid version suddenly not sending out or receiving. I hear the chimes as if receiving but no mail. nothing going out.
Any error messages?
How big are your system mailboxes?
The system mailboxes are In, Out, Trash, and Junk.
If they get too big this can cause problems.
If you have a lot of messages in your inbox, try moved as many as you can into other mailboxes and see if that helps.