TLS negotiation failing, tried various... Is this the end of the line?
(too old to reply)
John Foust
2019-06-24 16:26:26 UTC
Longtime user on Windows 7. Mail server is DoveCot on Glowhost.com CPanel.

Eudora stopped being able to POP fetch yesterday (6/23/2019) with "SSL Negotiation failed. The connection with the server has been lost. Cause (5).

I'd accepted a number of certs in the past. This didn't seem to be the problem this time, as there were no skulls.

Glowhost tech support says nothing's changed. I look through my certs and see there's one in "Eudora Provided Trusted Certificates" that expired within hours of the problem.

I was still using port 110. I enabled the Esoteric.epi file and tried to change to port 995. No difference.

I deleted all the old certs I could see. No difference.

I tried the Hermes DLLs and certs. No difference.

If I turn off TLS, then mail is fetched and it works.

If I set it to negotiate TLS, or force TLS, then it stalls and fails.

I did a Wireshark packet capture.

With the original SSL libraries, it simply stalls after Dovecot says "OK Begin TLS negotiation now". My client sends a packet and it is never answered by the mail server.

With the updated Hermes libraries mentioned above, a few more packets are exchanged, but it again stalls.

Has my Eudora finally reached the end of the line?
John Foust
2019-06-24 16:47:34 UTC
Post by John Foust
Has my Eudora finally reached the end of the line?
Also, I noticed that I don't seem to have any certs in Certificate Information Manager under "Server Certificates" (the top purple book.)
John Foust
2019-06-24 16:55:44 UTC
Post by John Foust
Has my Eudora finally reached the end of the line?
Solved my own problem... Hermes DLLs plus changing to "Required, Alternate Port" under Account Settings / Incoming Mail / Secure Sockets when Receiving" now works!

Glowhost tech admitted that DoveCot CPanel now requires TLS v1.2 at minimum.
Dennis Lee Bieber
2019-06-25 16:35:14 UTC
Post by John Foust
I was still using port 110. I enabled the Esoteric.epi file and tried to change to port 995. No difference.
If you were using

Tools/Options/Ports you are in the wrong place. And
Tools/Options/Checking Mail and Tools/Options/Sending Mail are also
deprecated. Those "pages" are left-overs from when Eudora only had one

Instead, you go to the Personality list, right click on the appropriate
personality, and pick "properties".

Then select the TLS option that matches your ISP. Mine seem to simple
"if available, start TLS", but you may need one of the "Required", and if
you need the other port, pick "Required, alternate". At the worst, you may
also need to [x] Use Submission Port for sending.

Eudora knows what is standard for "alternate port". The "Ports" page
that gets added by esoteric only applies to "dominant" personality.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/