Post by AdamskiPost by Francis BurtonPost by Mr. DRecently tried Thunderbird 1.0 by Mozilla.
I like it.
Attention Eudora and Outlook users; switch, you'll be glad you did.
Does it do everything that Eudora does?
For the *average* user - abslolutely ...yes. Much of the more recent
additions (emoticons etc.) seem [to me] to be just useless junk
(emoticons etc.).
I ran the two in parallel for a while, then switched to TB. There's
hardly a function that I find I miss from Eudora.
Post by Francis BurtonIs it as stable as Eudora?
I don't think I've had a crash in TB yet. Mind you, my Eudora setup
always seemd pretty stable - at least compared to many of the troubled
posters here.
Post by Francis BurtonIs it as "comfortable"?
Is it as configurable?
As with changing from any well-used program to another, it takes a
little getting used to. It has the odd "quirk" but once set up, just
sits there and lets you get on with the job. I certainly don't think
it gives as many problems with, say, using multiple personalities as
does Eudora.
Eudora has served me well overs the years, and I tend to stay loyal to
a good product (that's why I keep poking my nose into this group).
However - Eudora has become expensive to maintain and I feel the
developers have lost the plot. So called "upgrades" (that take *years*
to arrive) have become just minor tweaks with additional fripperies,
whilst glaring bugs apper to remain unfixed (or introduced).
I really thought I wasn't going to stick with Eudora for much longer.
My brief flirtation with Thunderbird has developed into a full-blown
affair <g>.
There are probably just too many variations of useage to compare
directly - point by point. I'd do what someone else suggested - just
run the two in tandem for a while and see what suits *you*.
I just recently installed TB and so far I do not care much for it at
all. I agree any new software takes getting used to, but I have
always been the person who likes or dislikes software in the first
hour of use. If I like it, its rare I will dislike it later. If I
dislike it in the first hour, I do not recall ever sticking with the
software. So, I doubt I will continue with it. I could not even
explain why, other than the fact I am finding it clumbsy and lacking
the things I want in email software. Of course I have used Eudora for
10 years or so. I started using it with Windows 3,1.
So, it's hard to change. I have three 2 complaints with Eudora, and
it all boils down to the way Eudora hogs memory. The 3.x versions
were quick and easy. After that, Eudora turned into a memory hog. If
Eudora is receiving or sneding email, I may as well leave the
computer, because I can not retrieve a website or newsgroups. Eudora
3.x loaded fast, but once I got to the 4.x versions, it got real slow
to load. Eudora also tends to crash fiarly often when people put lots
of pictures in my email. I have solved most of that by telling the
people to send me only plain text messages. The other thing is the
fact that Eudora does not allow eliminating html content in messages.
Yet, I still like Eudora much better than TB. I just want to go back
to Eudora 3.x. I never understood why people need all the nonsense
they send in email. The key word is "mail". Generally the mailbox
contains a white paper with black text. Maybe a logo if it is
business related. Why should email contain so much junk? Emoticons
are one of the newest and most assenine additions that serve no
purpose at all, (except for those under the age of 16 who think a
computer is a toy).
For the person that was complaining that Eudora does not upgrade often
enough, I ask, what the hell more do you want? This is EMAIL. What
more can you possibly do with it? I personally would like to see
Eudora downgrade in order to make it faster and eliminate all the
useless toys. But I answered my own question when I said I want to go
back to version 3,x.
With that said, I still prefer Eudora. TB takes even longer than
Eudora to load, and I see no advantages whatsoever. I would have
deleted it by now, if it were not for the fact that I love Firefox,
and rarely use IE anymore. But TB just dont "trip my trigger" and I
am afraid it never will.