Post by a***@gmail.comHi,
I'd like to replace Eudora 7.1 with Thunderbird for the certificates
Have you updated the SSL library and root certificates with those from ?
That library is supposed to mitigate the certificate problems with
Eudora (it may not get rid of all, but any newer certificates which have a
chain to the new authorities should update fairly quietly).
I'd try that, or Pandora, before downgrading to a Thunderbird variant.
Heck -- I'd enable the email capabilities of Forte Agent before going to
Thunderbird, and import the mailbox files into Agent! (Agent can even
filter emails on more headers than it can news groups -- the latter are
only subject or author)
From the help file:
Importing Email Messages from Another Program
This topic explains the import procedures for messages that are in the
standard UNIX format (RFC-822).
To import messages
To help smooth the transition from your old email program, Agent allows you
to import messages from a text file that is in the standard UNIX email
message format (RFC-822).
Choose Import Messages from the File menu.
In the File Name box, enter the location of the message file from.
(Optional) Check the "If a message contains an X-Folder field..." and
"Automatically create folders" boxes.
Press OK to begin the import.
Eudora uses a modified UNIX mailbox format (it puts ???@??? in the
message separator whereas UNIX duplicates the actual From: address). You
should compact the Eudora mailboxes before import to avoid getting
"deleted" messages included (Eudora keeps that information in the TOC file
which is not used during import).
Again, Agent help file
Import Message File Format
Agent can import messages from a text file in the standard UNIX message
format (RFC-822). For more information, see Importing Email Messages from
Another Program.
The following describes in some detail the standard UNIX message format
Agent can import:
ยท Each message must be preceded by a line of the form:
From <user>@<domain> <dow> <mon> <day> <hour>:<minute>:<second> <year>
<user>@<domain> is the email address of the sender of the message. Agent
actually ignores this address, so it can be any address. For example,
"???@???" is acceptable.
The rest of the line is the date of the message. Agent requires that the
date be in a legal format, but it ignores the date unless the message
itself contains no Date: field. The elements of the date are:
... so Eudora's ???@??? is EXPLICITLY stated to be okay.
It may take some time to configure a "desk" for email-only and set up
the routing in Agent, but as (per your headers) you are already using
Agent, it will give you a known application rather than learning something
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN