Post by i***@jejejeje.itPost by DaveH2Post by i***@jejejeje.itCould you tell me how can I check it please?
rootcerts.p7b should be dated 7th September 2018, another important file is QCSSL.dll, that should be dated 29th October 2018. If the versions of those files in the Eudora folder are older than that, you haven't got the Hermes update installed.
Creation date: sunday 31 may 2020, 23:16:18
Last edit: tuesday 9 august 2005, 17:09:26
Creation date: sunday 31 may 2020, 23:16:18
Last edit: monday 29 octobere 2018, 14:52:46
What can I do now please?
Open a command shell and enter:
dir /s c:\qcssl*.*
Then, when it finishes, cut&paste the text into a reply... That command
should find any copies of the qcssl file on your machine -- I'd like to
verify you don't have strays that might be getting picked up in place of
the desired one.
C:\Users\Wulfraed>dir /s c:\qcssl*.*
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 4ACC-3CB4
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\Eudora
03/16/2019 05:57 PM 81,424 QCSSL.dll
10/04/2006 01:04 PM 507,904 QCSSL.dll-old
2 File(s) 589,328 bytes
{I was about to suggest also doing that for libeay32 and ssleay32, but my
machine has dozens of those files; seems every application that does any
network stuff has its own copy.}
Also, obtain the results of
dir /s c:\rootcerts*.*
(I expect the RootCerts directory to be something that can be ignored)
C:\Users\Wulfraed>dir /s c:\rootcerts*.*
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 4ACC-3CB4
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\Eudora
12/03/2016 08:00 PM <DIR> RootCerts
03/16/2019 05:57 PM 198,703 rootcerts.p7b
1 File(s) 198,703 bytes
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\Eudora\RootCerts
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 400 RootCerts1.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,174 RootCerts10.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,146 RootCerts11.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,508 RootCerts12.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,504 RootCerts13.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,508 RootCerts14.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,508 RootCerts15.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,122 RootCerts16.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,122 RootCerts17.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,122 RootCerts18.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,122 RootCerts19.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 676 RootCerts2.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,126 RootCerts20.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 854 RootCerts3.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 848 RootCerts4.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 848 RootCerts5.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 840 RootCerts6.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,166 RootCerts7.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,184 RootCerts8.cer
09/26/2006 02:45 PM 1,174 RootCerts9.cer
20 File(s) 21,952 bytes
Total Files Listed:
21 File(s) 220,655 bytes
1 Dir(s) 1,352,072,863,744 bytes free
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN