Anyone use Eudora with outlook.com?
(too old to reply)
2020-11-13 17:13:22 UTC
I created an account in the outlook site and configured Eudora 7.1
well, but if I try to to the download, the mail doesn't arrive and if
I want to send an email, I can't send it.
What should I do to solve the problem?
Dennis Lee Bieber
2020-11-13 17:31:57 UTC
Post by i***@jejejeje.it
What should I do to solve the problem?
Provide detailed information... You say you "configured" Eudora... Tell
us WHAT that configuration is: Server name, TLS settings, port settings,
account (we don't need your password, but some servers have weird
constraints on how the account has to be entered). What error message does
the status/task progress lines show?

Have you enabled detailed logging (all bytes) and examined the log file
after a transfer attempt?

POP3 email is normally disabled -- you have to make settings /at/
"outlook.com" to enable POP3.

You need TLS for POP on port 995.

You need STARTTLS for SMTP on port 587 ("submission port" as I recall).

Have you downloaded and installed the HermSSL package to update the SSL
library and root key certificates so Eudora works with newer certificate
chains? https://sourceforge.net/projects/hermesmail/files/
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2020-11-13 22:13:02 UTC
Post by Dennis Lee Bieber
Post by i***@jejejeje.it
What should I do to solve the problem?
Provide detailed information... You say you "configured" Eudora... Tell
us WHAT that configuration is: Server name, TLS settings, port settings,
account (we don't need your password, but some servers have weird
constraints on how the account has to be entered). What error message does
the status/task progress lines show?
Hey Dennis,
thanks for your availability: A very strange thing happened to me.
Yesterday I tried to download the emails for one hour without ever
succeeding. I have just tried now and I can download my emails with no
problems. This is good.
But I can't send mail with the "smtp.office365.com" server.
I'm attaching a photo of the error.
Loading Image...
What is the problem?

However I have installed HermSSL package and it works fine.
Thanks for your help!
2020-11-13 22:16:48 UTC
now everything workd fine. I forgot to enable the 587 port.
THANKS again one.
2020-11-13 22:27:25 UTC
Out of curiosity:
I have two working accounts now
outlook.com and yandex.com
In your opinion which is better?
I would like to make one of the two primary.
Dennis Lee Bieber
2020-11-14 17:37:09 UTC
Post by i***@jejejeje.it
I have two working accounts now
outlook.com and yandex.com
In your opinion which is better?
I would like to make one of the two primary.
Personally -- I don't use any of the "free" servers. The only reason I
have a GMail account is that my cell-phone and Nook tablet needed one for
the Google Play app store.

I'm paying $8 a month to maintain my four email accounts with Earthlink
-- which had been my ISP until I moved, and the only Earthlink service in
the new location would be a resold ATT U-Verse connection; since I already
had to pick TV and land-line phone service, ATT U-Verse/Direct-TV/VOIP
bundle was simpler; I just downgraded my Earthlink from original DSL to

I should some day see if the ATT service actually has an email account
associated with it.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
***@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
2020-11-15 15:40:43 UTC
On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 12:37:09 -0500, Dennis Lee Bieber <***@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

| Personally -- I don't use any of the "free" servers. The only reason I
| have a GMail account is that my cell-phone and Nook tablet needed one for
| the Google Play app store.
| I'm paying $8 a month to maintain my four email accounts with Earthlink
| -- which had been my ISP until I moved, and the only Earthlink service in
| the new location would be a resold ATT U-Verse connection; since I already
| had to pick TV and land-line phone service, ATT U-Verse/Direct-TV/VOIP
| bundle was simpler; I just downgraded my Earthlink from original DSL to
| email-only.

Earthlink was my ISP for years until Spectrum recently split with them, but I turned
my back on their email about 3 years ago and moved to Gmail. Service is far better
now. Earthlink lets too much spam through. I set my 5 Earthlink email accounts to
forward everything to Gmail. It was astounding to see how much spam was left in
those Earthlink boxes that Gmail refused to pass on.


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